Friday, October 22, 2010

Homemade Halloween

I'm really into making homemade costumes for Halloween - none of that cheap Halloween stuff they want you to buy for $29.99 at the "spirit" stores. Yuck.
I can't even stand to go into one of those stores they just reek of junk!
But amazingly Halloween is still somehow one of the holidays we here in the US love to blow our money on.
Go figure.
But blowing your money on some crappy Halloween costume doesn't always mean it'll work out for the better.
Haven't you noticed how when someone puts work behind a costume they are the ones who win competitions or get noticed when they go out? Its not expected and that's why we like it. Is almost like we envy then while looking at them from our cheap, sad store bought one.
Maybe I'm being dramatic.
But i have proof its possible to make your own and still dress to impress!
I was a nudist on strike last year for Halloween - now I didn't win any awards, but was complimented highly about my choice of costume. (I wore a robe and held a sign that said Nudist on Strike. Robe I had, sign i stole as Halloween is always around an election time! WHAT?! I was recycling!!)
And this year I finally won something for my work!
I went this year as Flo from Progressive. Got the most creative award at work. We celebrated early due to an event near Halloween.
I made my costume like this: white pants ($0.99 sale at Goodwill), white polo (on sale for $2.25 and its a boys one so Noah can wear it later), a white apron from a craft store (with a 40% off coupon which made it $3.49), borrowed a bump-it from a co worker, had the shoes, had a headband and the name tag, progressive logo and I love insurance button I printed off the Internet. Just added some pins to attach them and glued the progressive logo on the front. Done.
And I won.
See that is how its done! A little shopping never hurt and because I put some thought behind it I barely spent anything.
Make your Halloween homemade because that is how a true greenie does it anyway.
Maybe you should be a treehugger this year - just hug someone dressed like a tree!

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