Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Method Laundry Detergent

Method has new Laundry Detergent out that some of you may have seen and were curious about. So I bought a bottle the other day only because i had a $2 off coupon - $2 off is pretty snazzy. You can snag the $2 off coupon HERE if you were thinking about trying it anyway.

So it comes in 2 different sizes, 25 loads or 50 loads. Each bottle only requires you to pump 4 times and that will clean one standard load. For smaller loads you can do 2 pumps or larger or really dirty loads just pump 6 times.
Here is what Method says about it on the bottle: "Just a few tiny squirts and our ultra concentrated patent-pending Smartclean Technology delivers big cleaning power. Biodegradable, 95% plant based formula, 70% less detergent, water & plastic per load then conventional 2x detergent, hypo-allergenic, smells like Heaven"
So I've used it on a couple of loads so far and it seems to work fairly well. Probably one of its most inspiring things is Noah can use it and do his OWN laundry and not complain the bottle is too heavy or I worry he'll dump a couple of gallons of soap in the dispenser. Seriously mom's its easy to use - kid proof in fact! Ok keep it for the older kids as you don't want to eat the stuff, but you get the idea.
I got the Fresh Air scent and the smell is ok and comes out smelling like it from the dryer. I personally don't care if my detergent has a heavy smell because to me it makes me think it wasn't rinsed properly if it smells like the detergent. It comes in Fresh Air scent, Peony Blossom and Free & Clear (unscented).
I was surprised it actually worked. I don't' think I'll keep buying it as to me it seemed a little $$, but if it was on sale I would totally scoop it up.
I need to do a little price per ounce comparison with my current Ecos Laundry Soap to see if its truly cheaper. Its been awhile since I bought it the Ecos bottle since its a big jug from Costco.
Of course its recyclable (I can't recycle the pump however) and its made from 50%-70% recycled plastic.
I would think if you were elderly or had issues with pouring those big jugs this would be Heaven sent. Its SO light and tiny it almost makes you think you are not using it right. I had to read hte label a few times to be Sure I was dosing correctly. Another great thing is because its so light it wouldn't take a lot to ship it. Having trucks laden down with large laundry soap jugs makes for poor gas mileage and you can't ship as many at a time as the tiny bottles. Super Eco-Plus! :)
The only thing I didn't like was when it pumped you had to hold it up a little high to pump it into our HE Machine's (front loading) little soap dispenser. Since I don't add the soap directly to my clothes like a top loading one it made it a little difficult. Just had to flip it right side up a few times and made sure I wasn't holding it nearly upside down when pumping.
So go try it. Its at Target and $2 is worth it. It was originally $7.99 here for a 25 load bottle so with my coupon it was a good deal. Obviously you are going to pay more then traditional cheap laundry soap because it is plant based, but so worth it.
Now go for it!
For more info from Method Laundry click HERE.

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