Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Fair

The Puyallup Fair is HUGE these here parts of Western WA and beyond. People come from very far away to visit the Fair and its a huge event!
Its the 8th Largest Fair within the US and honestly its a pretty neat thing.
I went last night and today and got to thinking about if a Fair is considered a truly "green" event or not. The Puyallup Fair does have recycling for plastic bottles and cans, but no paper recycling. Which surprises me because there is a TON of flyer's floating around that place - especially coming from the vendors.
One thing I will say about our Fair is its very clean. There are sweeper people all over the place (similar to Disneyland) and if there is trash it doesn't stay there long. Its really refreshing!
I don't think that a Fair is necessarily "green" per say, but I would say it does bring awareness about growing your own food, small farm to large farm animals and local businesses. Maybe it makes us all dreamers that we can farm our own land or raise farm animals.
At the very least it shows children that people grow their own food or food they sell for profit. At least kids can see that aspect of farming.
While a lot of people do attend the Puyallup Fair I personally think at our core its just part of who we are in this area and we are proud of our Fair! I think caring for something like a Fair and bringing people into towns that might not otherwise be visited to visit a fair is a great way to get people out of their homes and away from things like TV.
SO the Fair probably isn't very green because they do go thru a lot of trash, use a lot of electricity and all that -- but its a great place to bring your kids or just be a kid.
Go visit the Fair people!
Go Free Your Glee!

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