Sunday, January 2, 2011

Go thru your Medicine Cabinet

Its that time of year again!
With a new year upon us, its time to clean out those cabinets and dispose of your nasty old medicines that for some reason we hang onto.

I hang onto them mostly because I know better then to dispose of them in the trash for the toilet, but have never had anywhere to dump them!
Finally after dropping off something at the police dept, I noticed they had a place where you can dispose of your medicines safely and in a secure location.

For more information on where to take your medicines and why within the state of Washington go HERE for more info:
And for specific drop off locations within your county go HERE.

So while you are on cleaning out your house to get rid of some stuff, remember to safely dispose of your prescriptions and over the counter stuff at any of the locations listed on the link above.

Happy 2011 Peeps!

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