Sunday, February 8, 2009

50 things

Ok so I'm going to mark off the ones I do from Serve God Save the Planet's suggestions. Some of these are easy, some are not.
Red means I currently do that Tip. Green means almost there....See how you rank!

50 Practical Tips

Turn off the faucet while brushing teeth or shaving.

Turn thermostat up three degrees (in summer) and down three degrees (in winter). In the spring and fall, open the windows as often as possible.

Wash dishes by hand in a dishpan, and only run the dishwasher with a full load. Do not use heat for the drying cycle.

Wash clothes in the coolest water possible.

Turn off lights, TV, radio and stereo when leaving the room for any length of time.

Take a day of rest–no shopping, no work, no driving once a week.

Recycle everything possible; don’t buy over-packaged items.

Donate a box of books to the library twice a year. ( I don't donate though, I give books via so I can get used books too)

Hand wash clothes instead of dry cleaning whenever possible.

Clean out closets and donate clothes not worn in the past year.

Memorize one Bible verse about God’s love for his creation, such as Psalm 24:1: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”

Install low-flow showerheads. Take showers instead of baths (they use less water).

Replace lights with compact fluorescent bulbs.

Clean or replace air filters throughout the house.

Disconnect ice machine in freezer, especially if you have two or more.

Unplug TV and stereo when not in use or put them on a switched power strip.

Donate old cell phones, computers, printers to a good cause, or take them to an office supply store for recycling.

Plant deciduous trees along the south side of your house to save on cooling costs.

When replacing appliances, purchase the most efficient (Energy Star), with the lowest yearly energy costs.

Ask your local utility to conduct an energy audit on your home and/or business and then heed their advice.

Visit the grocery only once each week. Combine trips. Carpool.

Air-dry laundry whenever possible.

Avoid fast food restaurants; pack a picnic lunch when traveling.

Replace church light bulbs with compact fluorescents. Recycle church bulletins.

Caulk and weather strip around windows and doors to plug air leaks.

Stock up on handkerchiefs, cloth shopping bags, and cloth napkins and kick the paper habit.

Wait a month before buying something you “need”; when you do make purchases, buy quality items that will last for many years.

Save unwanted catalogs and ask to be taken off their mailing list.

Set up a “share board” at church or organize a clothing exchange.

Give away or sell anything and everything that is cluttering your life. Donate the proceeds to charity.

Instead of a birthday gift or funeral flowers, send a donation to charity or plant a tree or shrub in their honor.

When replacing a car, consider one that gets great mileage and has low emissions. Suggest the same for your church, school, business, and city.

Organize a paint swap at church or the recycling center; combine unused portions of paint and use as a primer.

Organize a church-based public prayer event with emphasis on creation care and stewardship.

Start a study group on what the Bible says about caring for creation. (Does trying or attempting count?)

Hang thick or insulated curtains. Close them during the day in summer; close at night in winter.

Ask your children to “pare down” their toys periodically; give those gently used items to local charities or non-profit groups.

Stay closer to home on your next family trip; stay home on one holiday when you usually travel.

Avoid use of pesticides and chemicals on your lawn and garden.

Pray for people whose forests and habitats have been destroyed by our material desires; ask God to help you become a better steward of His resources.

Spend at least ten minutes in nature to “be still and know” your God.

Cut back on soft drinks by substituting tap water at least once per day.

Avoid covering radiators and vents with furniture or curtains; program thermostats to come on 30 minutes before waking up and coming home.

Plant a vegetable or herb garden.

Insulate your attic with a minimum of 10 inches of insulation; insulate your hot water heater if its an older model.

Write or call your city/county representative and state reps and ask them to consider conducting an energy audit in their offices; do the same at school and work.

Insulate your hot water pipes; its easy–just clip on the foam insulation.

Turn down the temperature on your hot water heater to the lowest setting.

Cut food before cooking; put the lid on pans; cook outside in summer.

Follow our grandmothers’ advice: “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”

I think I'm getting there! And I know you all can too!!!


Rachel Ann said...'ve done a lot! I'm quite impressed! here is another of my dumb questions...why does it matter to cut your food before cooking it?

MKD said...

If you cut it, it'll cook faster. This is of course if you want your food in pieces. Obviously some stuff you want in one piece, but some stuff you'll cut into pieces after its cooked anyway! ;)
My fave tip is to put lids on your pans when they are heating up. It makes the pan or whatever you are cooking heat up a lot faster. Especially water when you are boiling it! Sweet trick. I got a ton of easy tricks for the dabbling in the green people ;)


You are doing a GREAT job Marcie! what a role model. I am excited to learn more from you.